Volunteer for a Committee at Beth Jacob
The Beth Jacob community needs everyone’s help. For more information or to join a committee, email info@beth-jacob.org
Special Committees (report to President)
The synagogue president appoints the members of the Nominating Committee. The committee consists of seven members, including three members of the Board of Trustees and four other members of the congregation, including two past presidents. The immediate past president chairs the Nominating Committee. The committee meets in the spring to nominate a slate of members for the Board of Trustees and synagogue officers.
Is responsible for assisting the President and the Board with the supervision and management of Beth Jacob’s senior staff. Establishes, reviews and implements personnel procedures and policies for Beth Jacob senior staff.
Human Resources Committee
Is responsible for assisting the Executive Director with the recruitment, retention and supervision of Beth Jacob’s staff. Establishes, reviews and implements personnel procedures and policies for all Beth Jacob staff.
Community Conversation [part of Mkting/Membership]
Is responsible for implementing the community feedback process.
Membership/Marketing [part of Mkting/Membership]
Is responsible for helping to tell the Beth Jacob story to the wider community and to encourage people to try out our welcoming community.
Kesher/Membership Engagement [part of Mkting/Membership]
Welcomes new members to our synagogue, and helps congregants make and preserve connections within the community. Creates opportunities to interact with others and activities that foster connections.
Torah/Education Committees
Adult Learning
The goal of Adult Learning is to build a community of lifelong learners pursuing knowledge about Judaism and being Jewish. We plan learning sessions like Classic Texts, our Shavuot Tikkun, Hebrew classes, and summer films.
Youth Education/Limudim
Seeks to establish a vision of Jewish learning for our young people, from birth to 18 years old, that encompasses Shabbat Enrichment, youth groups, K’tanim, Family Life Cycle Workshops, B’nai Mitzvah training, formal Jewish learning in schools and informal Jewish learning in a variety of settings.
Oversees Kadima and USY youth groups (grades 7-12) and seeks to ensure parent and volunteer involvement in youth group events throughout the year.
Scholarship (also reports to Finance)
Supervises granting of scholarships for Jewish education, Isarel programs, Jewish summer camps.
Shul [College] Link
Packages and sends treats and information to help our young adults feel connected to their home synagogue when they are away at college or starting off on their own. Email us to add a member of your family to the list.
Library and Resource Center
Enters new donations into the Beth Jacob library system and maintains the library in reasonable order. Congregants may borrow and reshelve books on the honor system, with the exception of reference books.
Avodah/Worship Committees
Oversees and maintains the Sons of Jacob, Sons of Moses and Children of Abraham Cemeteries.
Chevra Kadisha
The Chevra Kadisha (or holy community) is dedicated to honoring the deceased and strengthening the living by performing the final acts of loving-kindness through two rituals: tahara (ritual washing and dressing of the body) and shmira (the act of sitting with the deceased until the time of burial.
Works with the rabbi to ensure the function of all services (daily, Shabbat and holidays) and assigns appropriate people to lead services, read Torah and receive honors. The Committee also maintains the ritual items in the synagogue.
Gemilut Chasadim Committees
Meals of Consolation
Provides the Meal of Consolation (the meal served to mourners upon their return from the cemetery) and meals delivered during Shiva.
Chesed of Healing: Bikur Cholim & Mealtrains
Organizes meals for congregants who are welcoming a new baby or confronting an illness or injury.
Dorothy Day 2nd Sundays
Provides meals for homeless and near-homeless people in St. Paul, through the Dorothy Day Center, on the second Sunday of every month. Beth Jacob purchases food, and volunteers prepare and serve breakfast.
Interfaith Communities/Households
Organizes events for congregants to broaden their knowledge and connections, tolerance and respect for people of many faiths in the Twin Cities. Works to understand, include, and support the needs of family members in interfaith households.
Social Justice
Advocates for issues of social justice such as the Conservative movement’s Magen Tzedek project. This initiative aims to establish standards for the production of kosher food that ensure the health and welfare of a company’s workers and the environment.
Climate Action
Our goal is to help the Beth Jacob community reduce our individual and collective contributions to climate change.
Refugee Resettlement
Advocates for refugees generally and specifically supports the needs of refugees families that Beth Jacob has resettled in the Twin Cities.
Shul Rides
Works to see that those who need a ride to participate in Beth Jacob services and events are able to get a ride.
Finance Committees
Is responsible for the fiscal management of the synagogue. The Committee’s key responsibilities are reviewing and recommending an annual operating budget, regularly reviewing financial results, managing the synagogue’s endowment funds, and reviewing the overall financial status of the congregation.
Investment (reports to Finance Comm.)
Is responsible for creating Beth Jacob’s Investment Policy and for implementing & monitoring the Investment Policy for all investible funds.
Annual Sustaining Contribution [ASC] (also reports to Finance and Membership/Marketing)
Is responsible for evaluating trends in ASC participation and for making recommendations about ASC changes.
Fundraising and Donor Relations
Is responsible for reviewing all fundrasing activities and for encouraging a culture of gratitude for our donors and their support.
Life and Legacy
Is responsible for encouraging legacy gifts from congregants as part of the community-wide Life and Legacy program.
Scholarship (also reports to Torah/Education)
Supervises granting of scholarships for Jewish education, Isarel programs, Jewish summer camps.h education, Isarel programs, Jewish summer camps.
Spring Fundraiser/40th Anniversary
Do you enjoy having a party? This committee would like your help in planning our spring fundraiser and other special events and activities associated with our 40th anniversary.
Avodah/Work [Operations] Committees
Building & Grounds
Oversees all aspects of Beth Jacob’s building and grounds and ensures that repairs and regular maintenance are handled professionally and in a timely manner.
Works with the kitchen staff and catering companies to prepare and serve kiddush luncheons on Shabbat and holidays. Works with the Executive Director in the management and policies for the kitchen usage. Coordinates the schedule for the Mashgichim who supervise the kitchen crews.
Is responsible for promoting a safe and secure operating environment by helping to mitigate security threats to congregants, our events, and our facilities.
Blood Drive
Is responsible for our annual blood drive.
Health/Wellness/Covid (includes Science and Policy sub-teams)
Is responsible to monitor the external disease environment and the needs of congregants and to recommend actions to mitigate health risks to individuals and to our community.
ShulCloud Utilization
Is responsible for continuously improving synagogue operations through the use of our ShulCloud system.