Explore the Jewish World in Beth Jacob’s Library
Biblical history, the Holocaust, and Israel. Shabbat and the holidays. Lives of Jews. Literature. Jewish law. Talmud and Midrash.
The System
- The BJ Library is organized using a classification system designed for Jewish libraries. We use the categories and subcategories posted in the library.
- Use the posted number system to find a book on the shelves. Within a given number, the books are alphabetized by author’s last name.
- We do not have a catalogue of the collection. One of the Library Committee’s goals is to create an online, searchable database for the collection. If you would like to help, contact us.
Using the Collection
Borrowing books
- If the book has a number on the spine, and if it is stamped PLEASE RETURN TO BETH JACOB CONGREGATION, you may borrow it.
- The BJ library operates on the honor system. To borrow a book, you simply take it with you. Please try to return books within three weeks. But most of all, please return the book. If you have kept a book longer, returns are welcome — no questions asked.
Books that remain in the library
- You may use reference books such as Encyclopedia Judaica, Talmud, siddurim, and some commentaries in the library.
- Books without a number on the spine remain in the library.
- Books on the shelf labelled Tefillah Project remain in the library.
Returning books
- Return your books when you are finished with them. Remember that each book is a resource which the community shares.
- When you return books, please do not put them back on the shelf. Place your book on the edge of one of the shelves, and the Library Committee will return it to its proper place.
Unfortunately, Beth Jacob’s library is not able to accept your book donations.
If books are in good, usable condition, consider reuse and donation opportunities.
Other reuse opportunities include Buy Nothing groups on Facebook, neighborhood groups and online marketplaces.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about or would like to help with the Beth Jacob Library, please contact us at info@beth-jacob.org with the word LIBRARY in your subject line.