Beth Jacob Weekly Ongoing Classes
A community engaged in congregational learning is one in which all of its members, children and adults, are actively and collaboratively learning about and becoming more deeply enriched by our Jewish traditions. Our vision includes a commitment to study Jewish texts, Jewish arts, and Jewish living. Beth Jacob offers opportunities and experiences imbued with intellectual, experiential, and hands on engagement for individuals and groups.
How Jewish Rituals Transform Our Liveswith Rabbi David Thomas
Tuesdays–Starting September 10, 6:30 pm, Saide Chapel
Adult Ed at Limudim: Our Learning Community brings you this 7-part course. All are welcome to attend.
Rituals, whether Jewish or otherwise, not only give meaning to life’s transitions, they also effect changes in our status as we move from childhood to adolescence and from youth to old age. These rituals ease life’s transitions, imbuing them with meaning and instilling within us a sense of holiness.
In this series, we will learn what modern anthropology teaches about how rituals facilitate changes in our lives. We will explore traditional and modern Jewish lifecycle rituals surrounding birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, marriage, and death to see how they conform to universal patterns. Through the sacred texts of our tradition and by sharing personal experiences of life changes, we will discover how lifecycle rituals bring meaning and holiness into our lives.
For more information, click here.
Jew In The Pew with Rabbi Lynn Liberman
9:15-10:00 am in the chapel on Shabbat
1st, 3rd and the occasional 5th Shabbat of each month
Our exploration of the Psalms, largely as found in our siddur, will continue for the coming year! We will explore the Psalms that are widely used throughout the Shabbat service considering their meaning and wondering why and how these words are still part of our liturgy today. After completing texts found in the siddur, we will then continue to encounter the remaining texts of the full Book of Psalms! No prior experience needed. Texts are provided in Hebrew and English.
Talmud with Rabbi Justin Held
*Temporally on hiatus*
Online at:
Tablet Magazine Editor Liel Leibovitz recently wrote about the Talmud, “to the extent that the Talmud can even be called a book—it’s more accurately described as “a drift net for catching God”—it’s a truly magnificent one. Because in touching on virtually every human experience, from passing wind to losing a loved one, the Talmud is, arguably, humanity’s first, greatest, and still most astonishing self-help book.” Join Rabbi Justin Monday nights as we use Tractate Ta’anit as one of our vessels for “catching God.” Tractate Ta’anit (fasts) discusses fixed public fast days, facts decreed to avoid calamity, and individual fast days. No Talmud background or Hebrew fluency is required to join, and texts will always be provided in English and Hebrew. Come weekly or pop in and pop out. Your presence is always welcome. Reach out to Rabbi Justin with any questions:
Foundations of Judaism – offered jointly with Temple of Aaron
3 Tuesdays a month 7:00-8:00 pm
Online at:
Each month, we offer a three-part foundational dive into a different Jewish topic. Join us for one, or for all. Together with Temple of Aaron we will continually offer three-course “mini-units” on Tuesday evenings at 7:00, exploring a wide variety of essential aspects of living and being Jewish. Each three-class mini-unit on these subjects will be taught either by Rabbi Justin here at Beth Jacob or Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein at Temple of Aaron. The course teacher and location will alternate for each “mini unit.” The classes will always be offered hybrid (zoom and in person). The course is intended both for Jews interested in deepening their knowledge of the foundations of Judaism and those who are interested in becoming Jewish and seeking a pathway toward conversion.
Upcoming Classes & Dates:
- Lifecycles Events June 11th, June 18th, June 25th with Rabbi Justin at Beth Jacob
- Conservative Judaism & Jewish Denominations July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd with Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein at Temple of Aaron
- Introduction to the Tannakh (Bible) Aug. 6th, Aug 20th, Aug 27th with Rabbi Justin Held at Beth Jacob
- Rabbinic Literature Sept. 3rd, Sept. 10th, Sept. 17th with Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein at Temple of Aaron
Morning Mishnah with Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm
Wednesdays at approx. 8 am (after minyan) in the chapel
Online at:
The Mishnah is an edited record of the complex body of halachic material transmitted in the aftermath of the destruction of the Second Temple. Its intention was to train the sages in thinking through the legal issues that inform Halacha. In encountering these texts together, we gain access to the conversations out of which developed the foundational principles that shaped Jewish law as we know it today. Classes are in the chapel at Beth Jacob and on Zoom at (or just stay on Zoom after Morning Minyan.
Dirshuni: Contemporary Women’s Midrash with Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm
Thursdays at 11 am in the Beth Jacob chapel
Online at:
Using the recently published English translation of Dirshuni as our main text, we will explore the sections of the Tanakh through the lens of contemporary midrash. Employing classical forms developed by the ancient rabbis, the writers of these contemporary midrashim connect Scripture and contemporary issues in audacious and innovative ways. This historic collection of midrashim composed by Israeli scholars has long been anticipated and is now available in English translation. Purchase of the book is not required for participation in the class.
Community Offerings
Practical Teshuvah
With Pam Winthrop Lauer & Rabbi Debra Rappaport
During the month of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah and the 10 Days of Awe connecting the Jewish new year with Yom Kippur, we have a special call to take the time to reflect. The primary work of the season is teshuvah, turning and returning to the best we can be. But how do we really do teshuvah? These three sessions will give participants knowledge, practice and tools for teshuvah that connects us more deeply with the people we care about.
Session 1: The Tool Set: Jewish Texts and Nonviolent Communication foundations.
Session 2: Practicing Teshuvah: Participants will work with an NVC process, developing practical skills for apologies that reconnect.
Session 3: “What about when I’m the one who needs an apology?” This session will touch on questions including, How do I ask for an apology? How do I loosen a grudge without an apology – or when I’m not ready forgive?
Check out classes being offered through Talmud Torah St. Paul and Hineni
Hineni offers an array of adult Jewish learning opportunities and contemplative practice experiences, many in collaboration with Twin Cities area synagogues and agencies.
For more information about Hineni or to offer programming suggestions, please contact Rabbi Debra Rappaport.