Beth Jacob sends a weekly email message a day or two before Shabbat. We send emails about holiday events and schedules. And every once in a while we send a message on topics that affect all of us: tikun olam activities, announcements of new babies, and telling us of the death of a congregant so that we can help make a shiva minyan.
Sign up for our email list, or manage your subscriptions.
We send our print newsletter, the Kol Ya’akov, each quarter as well as occasional updates such as holiday events and schedules and our rabbinic search. It is also available electronically (it looks great on an iPad or tablet); the most current issue is always at Call our office at 612-452-2226 or email us with your address at to join our USPS mailing list.
Like our Facebook page. Join our Facebook Group. What’s the difference? (You are free (and encouraged) to do both.)
The Page is Beth Jacob’s official Facebook presence; it is where we post our FB events and other information that we want to be publicly accessible. “Liking” the Page makes it more likely that you will see Beth Jacob’s posts.
Being a member of the Group is less public; people outside the group won’t see group posts unless they are shared with them. It is also less one-way; while we do share content from the Page to the Group, members of the Group can also post to the Group for all to see, about Beth Jacob topics and events, or occasionally about topics of general interest. Posts to the Group are moderated. The Group is a better way to ensure you don’t miss Beth Jacob stuff on Facebook.
Shul Link helps our young adults feel connected to their home synagogue when they are away at college or starting off on their own. We send occasional packages of treats and information. Email to add a member of your family to the list.