If you have come to this page because you had a death in your family, please contact Beth Jacob (651-452-2226) and speak to Mike Keller. You may also find the page on Death, Burial and Mourning helpful at this moment of need.
When Beth Jacob Congregation was formed, we inherited two adjacent cemeteries in St Paul from the Sons of Jacob Congregation: Sons of Jacob Cemetery and Sons of Moses Cemetery. In 2018 we created a section called Children of Abraham Cemetery that allows non-Jewish family members to be buried next to Jewish family members.
The Beth Jacob Congregation Cemetery Committee administers these cemeteries.
Cemetery address: 770 Parkway Drive, St Paul. Click here to locate a grave.
Hours: Please call the Beth Jacob front desk at, 651-444-5460, to coordinate your visit.
For information regarding these cemeteries or to purchase burial sites, please call Beth Jacob Congregation at 651-452-2226 or email Executive Director, Sonya Rapport