Minyan Katan

For ages 0-5

Every Shabbat morning at 11:30am

Outdoors in summertime, in room 4/5 during the school year

For the four and under set: bring a parent or guardian, your voice and your dancing shoes!  We join together for lively, songful tefillah; creative, parent-led learning; and even the occasional puppet show that will have your sides in stitches.  Want to learn more?  Would you like to help lead?  Ask Rabbi Justin.

Listen to the music and download our Minyan Katan Siddur/prayerbook.

Youth Tefillah

For children in grades K-7

Shabbat mornings when there are classe 11:30am in the Chapel

Students and teachers lead tefillah together, with students increasing their leadership roles as they develop more skills.  Teachers and students also take turns leading a discussion of the weekly Torah portion, asking generative questions to get the conversation going.  Four times a year, the students prepare small bits of Torah to chant from the scroll. Parents are encouraged to attend, particularly on days when students will be chanting Torah.