Putting our value of tikun olam into practice, Beth Jacob members volunteer to prepare and serve meals at the Dorothy Day homeless shelter. The shelter provides housing, social services, and meals to some of the most vulnerable people in downtown Saint Paul. Joining with other local faith communities, we take responsibility for Sunday breakfast once a month.

We crack fresh eggs every time, about 575 of them. We bake over 200 biscuits from refrigerated dough and 50 pounds of tater tots and serve milk, orange juice, cold or hot cereal depending on the season, and fresh fruit when available.

Participation is easy. Email invitations are sent out each month. Anyone who chooses to respond comes to the shelter’s kitchen at 7:30 am to help cook. We serve breakfast at 9:00 and finish by 10:00. Parking is free, and the warm feeling that comes from helping others is priceless.

Join the list of volunteers by sending an email to andy.meltzer@gmail.com.