Limudim Mission: 

Limudim is where Jewish learning comes alive in an environment that fosters a foundation for a lifetime of exploration, connection, and meaningful Jewish engagement. 

At Limudim students acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become active participants who will proudly contribute to the Jewish community and the world. Limudim serves as the foundation for a lifelong journey of Jewish engagement, building a vibrant Jewish future, one student at a time.

Limudim Vision:

The vision is for our program to serve as the anchor for lifelong learners dedicated to diving deeper into the pool of Jewish knowledge, as they grow and become ethical people and proud Jews.

Our program occurs in a joyful, supportive environment where long lasting, intergenerational relationships are cultivated – friendships with classmates, as well as relationships with biblical characters and Jewish figures, texts, and stories.

Our students will experience Hebrew in classes taught thoughtfully and intentionally, enabling them to see the learning as a source of pride and a gateway for future Jewish learning.

Our students will learn about and explore Israel in age-appropriate ways while thoughtfully creating their own relationship to the land, the people, and the state.

Education at Beth Jacob strives for balance: balancing fun and seriousness, rigor and personal exploration, dedication and flexibility, tradition and self-definition, skill-building and meaning.

Our program is both strategic and goal focused; with one year building off the next as we move toward a common destination.

Limudim 5 Values:

  1. We understand that each of us has value in the congregational and Jewish communities and we aim to acquire the skills and knowledge to contribute and lead
  2. We value learning Hebrew in a relevant and meaningful way
  3. We find meaning in the stories of the Jewish people and to discover a personal connection to the Torah and Jewish texts
  4. We create a joyful and exciting learning environment that builds community both among peers and across generations
  5. We value serious learning through a consistent, thoughtful, and rigorous curriculum that builds off of itself from week-to-week and year-to-year shaped by the Jewish calendar