In every generation, every person should feel that she/he/they personally had been redeemed from Egypt- as it is written: “You shall tell your children on that day saying, `It is because of what the Lord did for me when I went free out of Egypt, for God not only redeemed our ancestors, God redeemed us with them.'”

As we approach Pesach, here are some resources to help you have a kosher and meaningful holiday:

Women’s Seder
Join Jewish Twin Cities women for a Pre-Pesach seder on April 3.  Sponsored by Beth Jacob, Mt. Zion, and Temple of Aaron.  There is no cost to participate, but registration is filling up, so RSVP.

Pesach Ritual and Services Schedule
Every date and time in one place

Beth Jacob PesachGuide
How to prepare for the holiday, including kashrut, rituals, and the seder.

Sell your Hametz
Have Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm sell hametz on your behalf to a non-Jewish person for the course of the holiday. At the conclusion of Pesach, the Hametz returns to its original owner.  The form must be filled out and returned no later than 10:00am on Friday, April 11, 2025.

Seder For All–Share your seder with others
Participate in a long-standing Beth Jacob tradition of sharing Pesach tables with others.  If you would like to host members of the congregation, or if you are in need of an invitation to a seder, fill out this form by April 1 and we will match you.

Pesach Wine Sale
Support Beth Jacob’s youth programming by purchasing kosher for Passover wine, juice, Equal Exchange chocolate, and special this year–Yehuda Sweet Gefilte Fish!

Rabbinic Assembly Pesach Guide
A useful reference for all things Pesach.