Contact Executive Director, Sonya Rapport about all matters related to the celebration.


The B’nai Mitzvah year is a crucial time for developing friendships and building community for our youth. To that end, we as a congregation expect all children from your child’s Beth Jacob class to be invited to the B’nai Mitzvah Service. As for any party or celebration after the B’nai Mitzvah, our rule of thumb is: If you plan to invite 50% or more of your child’s Beth Jacob class to the celebration, then the entire class must be invited. To assist you, a full list of the class members can be secured from the shul office.


Meals celebrating the B’nai Mitzvah are an important part of the simcha. All information that you need to plan the Kiddush lunch, and any other meal within the synagogue is laid out in Hosting Events at Beth Jacob. Financial need should be discussed with Rabbi Rubin.

Shabbat Dinner as part of your Celebration of the B’nai Mitzvah

Shabbat dinner is an integral part of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience, and most families make it part of the celebration.  There are two wonderful ways to do that.

At Beth Jacob Congregation

If you wish to hold a Shabbat dinner at the shul please contact our Executive Director to begin the process.  They will discuss dates, catering options, cooking in the kitchen and all issues related to kashrut.  General information about holding a dinner at the shul may be found in the Hosting Events section.  It provides all of the information that you will need

Dinner will begin after Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services on Friday night.  We look forward to your guests joining us.  The service begins at 6 pm during Daylight Savings Time, and 5:30 pm during Standard time.

At Home

Many Beth Jacob families host a Shabbat dinner at their home or the home of friends or family following Kabbalat Shabbat services. The synagogue is happy to provide you with materials to help celebrate Shabbat at home.

Kiddush Lunch

All of the information about the Kiddush lunch is included in the section Hosting Events at Beth Jacob.  It will explain contracts, caterers, how to bake for the event, and it even includes recipes. If you do not find all of the answers to your questions, again please contact Executive Director, Sonya Rapport.


No photography can take place on Shabbat.  If you would like photographs of the B’nai Mitzvah in the sanctuary or chapel, you must arrange to take them during the week.  You may wish to arrange for these pictures on the Monday or Thursday morning before the B’nai Mitzvah on the day on which your child reads Torah during morning minyan.


Gifts should reflect the spiritual nature of the B’nai Mitzvah: tzedakah, donations, books, ritual items, or other gifts reflecting the young adult’s interests are all appropriate.

In the past, some classes have joined together in deciding an appropriate gift for each B’nai Mitzvah, and the amount of money for families to contribute.  The gift will be given to each member of that year’s class from all other members of that year’s class.