Want to view Beth Jacob events while never leaving the comfort of your own calendar?
Click on the name of the category to get the iCal link (.ics file); it should work for most calendars.
Consult your calendar program’s help or support for more details about adding an iCal feed to your calendar if you need more details.
Beth Jacob USY events and conventions. |
Children |
Events and programs for children 0-12. (Does not include Kadima or USY programs) |
Education |
Classes, discussions, and and study opportunities. (Does not include Youth Education) |
Events |
Beth Jacob Congregation Special Events. |
Kadima |
Beth Jacob Kadima events and conventions. |
Meetings |
Committee and other meetings at Beth Jacob Congregation. |
Services |
Daily, weekly, and holiday services. |
Youth Education |
Beth Jacob Iyunim & Kehillat Shabbat (Saturday/Sunday morning education program) calendar. |
Jewish Calendar |
Jewish calendar with candle lighting and Havdalah times for Mendota Heights (Havdalah times 43 minutes after sunset) |