• Jewish sources – this is just a start, but here are some sources suggested by Rabbi Rubin and others on the committee
  1. See a replay of The Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest that ran in early February recommended by Rabbi Rubin.  Many are available here on YouTube  and on Facebook and more on the Hazon website. They are worth watching!
  2. There are some very helpful resources on the website of The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) which  “deepens and broadens the Jewish community’s commitment to stewardship and protection of the Earth through outreach, activism, and Jewish learning.”
  3.   Aklim – A Jewish Response to Climate” – the Jewish voice offers hope, strength and a path forward to healing the damage we have done. 
  4.     Hazon – Hazon is building a movement that strengthens Jewish life and contributes to a more environmentally sustainable world for all.


  • General sources – again, there are so many to choose from.  We will highlight several at a time
    • Books 
  1. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate  by  Naomi Klein
  2. This is the Way the World Ends by Jeff Nesbitt
  3. We Are The Weather:  Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast  by  Johathan Sagran Foer
  4.  Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, edited by Paul Hawken. Drawdown is a compendium of ways of attacking the climate crisis, assessed by an enormous team of researchers to estimate costs, benefits, and amount of CO2 reduction: 
  5. Falter by Bill McKibben
    • Movies and videos
  1. Time To Chooseon Amazon Prime Video  and iTunes (rent or buy)
  2. Cowspiracy   Netflix  (free)
  3.  Kiss the Ground – Netflix
  4. Ice on Fire  – on HBO
  5.  The Years of Living Dangerously (2 Seasons) Amazon Prime Video (buy)
  6. An Inconvenient Truth’ and The Sequel, as well as the book by the same name-  Al Gore
    • Podcasts and more
  1. Just Have a Think
  2. Climate Cast  by NPR
  3.  Pope Francis’s beautiful powerful inspiring treatise.  Here’s a digital version: “…on care for our common home: Laudato si’ (24 May 2015) -Pope Francis
  4. Bill McKibben’s New Yorker article, and associated presentations on Youtube. 
    • News and articles

1Climate Justice Congregation Program – Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light

News article about The Green New Deal (and the Climate Change Crisis)
2. Green New Deal Gets Fresh Push As Democrats Take Control : NPR
4.Top scientists warn of ‘ghastly future’ for planet as leaders underestimate ecological threats – CNN

5. The lost years’: Climate damage that occurred on Trump’s watch will endure long after he is gone – CNNPolitics

7. “What is a Carbon Footprint & Why does it matter?”  By Beth Jacobs’s Climate Initiative committee member Dina O’Sullivan