Service sheet will be uploaded by 4:00 on Friday
/in Uncategorized /by JessyThe weekly Service Sheet will be posted by Friday afternoon. Try the same link again later; that link will point to what you’re looking for once it’s live.
The 25th Annual St. Paul Communal Observance of Tisha B’Av
/in Uncategorized /by JessyWed July 26 at 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
The day which commemorates the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people.
Wednesday, July 26 / 9 Av at Mount Zion and via livestreaming
8:00 pm – Dis-Unity and Destruction: Reflecting on the Ancient and Contemporary Jewish Community
Panel Presentation and Text Study by: Rabbi Esther Adler, Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm, Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein, Rabbi Rachel Rubenstein, Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker
Each rabbi will focus on a different traditional reason the Temple was destroyed and reflect on a connection to challenges we face today.
8:45pm – Ma’ariv Service, chanting Eicha (Lamentations), and singing Kinot (songs of lament)
Candles will be provided.
This event is cosponsored by Beth Jacob, Mount Zion, and Temple of Aaron.
Update from the Beth Jacob Board of Trustees and the Rabbinic Coverage and Structure Team [RCaST]
/in Uncategorized /by Tessa SilverMembership
/in Uncategorized /by JessyFor information about any aspect of life at Beth Jacob or joining our community, please fill out this form. Regarding membership, we believe that financial concerns should never be a barrier to participation. Read more about our congregation and community values.
/in Uncategorized /by BarryThe Beth Jacob Climate Change Initiative’s goal is to help the Beth Jacob community reduce our individual and collective contributions to climate change. Learn more at the Climate Action Hub.
You are invited to “opt in” to the Climate Change Initiative email list to receive periodic updates and special news from us, along with occasional alerts to take advocacy actions requested by trusted organizations on behalf of climate change mitigation work. We promise to not bombard you with notes, and you can always “unsubscribe” whenever you want. Just send an email to (please include your full name) and we’ll sign you up!
We are proceeding with this work in four dimensions: awareness, communal space, individual households and advocacy. Follow the links below to learn more about current efforts. Questions? Want to join in our efforts? Please email Susan Moses-Zirkes:
/in Highlights, Uncategorized /by BarryThere are lots of ways to stay current on what’s happening at Beth Jacob! We send a weekly email, along with other occasional updates, along with birth and death notices; to sign up (or manage your email subscription), go to, or just text BJCMAIL to 22828.
Our Facebook group is another place to find out about events, as well as connect with others in the Beth Jacob Community. To join, go to and click “Join”.
As always, let us know what works best for you. We want to hear your feedback!
Find Us
Beth Jacob Congregation
1179 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118