May God who blessed our ancestors . . . bless those who unite to establish synagogues . . . and those who give funds for heat and light . . . . (Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals)
These funds have been established over the years by people who wanted to give something back to the shul for having provided them with both spiritual comfort and the warmth of community. They provide a range of opportunities for us to honor others on their special occasions or for their special achievements, to remember our loved ones or close friends who have left this life and await olam ha’ba in peace, to send wishes for a refuat ha’nefesh and a refuat ha’guf for those who are sick, or to simply thank God for the gifts bestowed upon us.
Please consider helping us provide “heat and light” for the shul with your donations. We will send a card on your behalf and acknowledge your donation in Kol Ya’akov for a minimum donation of $10. Tribute cards for your personal use can be purchased from the shul office: five cards for $25 or 10 cards for $50. Donations can be made directly from this site, or send a check, payable to Beth Jacob Congregation, to the office. For further information, please contact Debbie at 651-452-2226 or bjcoffice AT beth-jacob DOT org.

Endowment Funds
Bonnie and Alvin Abrahamson Youth Education Fund – provides resources to further youth education and youth education programming.
Allen-Gorin Education Fund – established in honor of Rabbi Allen and Dr. Phyllis Gorin, the fund provides for educational opportunities.
Bear/Schoenkin Leadership Development Fund – provides financial support for Board members, lay-leaders and staff to participate in leadership and professional development opportunities.
Sharon Phyllis Bloom Memorial Fund – dedicated to the memory of Sharon Bloom to be used for religious education for our youth.
Doroshow Family Endowment Fund – established for youth leadership development.
Godes Family Endowment Fund – provides general synagogue operating funds.
Samuel Goldberger Endowment Fund – provides scholarships for the St. Paul Talmud Torah day school.
Bess and Nathan Levinsohn Camp Scholarship Fund – provides scholarships to help children attend Jewish summer camps.
Oscar Mastbaum Scholarship Fund – to encourage artistic achievement by providing scholarship funds for pursuits in the visual and performance arts.
Office Endowment Fund – provides funds to maintain and update the office equipment.
Rabbi’s Tzedakah Fund – provides resources for charitable and educational use at the discretion of the rabbi.
Phillip Ravitzky (z”l) Rabbi’s Fund – supports the salary and benefits packages of our rabbi and professional staff.
Sarah Rivka Saide (z”l) Endowment Fund – used for the maintenance of the Saide Chapel.
Hilda Singer Jewish Life Fund – provides the congregation with Jewish life programming as an ongoing part of congregational life.
Betty and Bud Sweet Endowment Fund – provides funds to purchase and maintain kitchen equipment.
Zelda Katz Day School Endowment Fund – provides scholarships for Jewish day school education.
Restricted Funds
Beth Jacob Emtza President’s Scholarship Fund – created in honor of Etan Newman, it will be used to help young adults go to USY events that they would otherwise not be able to attend due to financial considerations.
Phillip Biel (z”l) Rosh Hodesh Fund – created in memory of Phillip Biel (z”l), who routinely chanted the announcement of the new month in shul, the fund will be used to provide innovative Rosh Hodesh programming for children, young adults, and adults that would not otherwise be provided.
BJUSY/Kadima Fund – provides scholarship for our USYers and Kadimaniks to participate in programming and conventions.
Building Fund – offsets expenses incurred for the construction, furnishing, maintenance and capital improvements of the synagogue.
Chesed Fund – defrays the costs of meals to the bereaved, new parents, returnees from the hospital, members moving into new residences, and others. Also pays for the Dorothy Day project, contributions to MAZON, and other acts of tzedakah.
Jim Dinerstein Adult Education Endowment Fund
Provides revenue for ongoing adult education programming.
Smaller/Petty Inclusion Fund – used to support Beth Jacob inclusion efforts.
Susie Drazen Fund – used for Beth Jacob programming and education.
David Cobin (z”l) Fund for Caring – to help the community and it’s members in need.
Bob Feldman (z”l) Fund for Jewish Life – established to honor the memory of Bob Feldman (z”l) through creative Jewish programs.
Ron Heiligman (z”l) Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund – provides scholarships to help children attend Jewish summer camps.
Zelda Johnson Camp Scholarship Fund – provides scholarships to help children attend Jewish summer camp.
Kiddush Fund – offsets the cost of kiddush when there is no sponsor.
Limud La’ad Fund (Adult Education Fund) – provides money for new and innovative adult education programming.
Nursery Fund – provides toys and other furnishings for the nursery.
Prayer Book Fund – provides prayer books for the shul.
Tikkun Olam Fund – used to address social justice issues within the Jewish community.
Torah Fund – used to pay for the cost of repairing and maintaining our beautiful Torah scrolls.
Yahrzeit Fund – donations to acknowledge and honor the memory of a deceased family member or friend.
Youth Education Fund – provides funding for general youth programming and regional event scholarships.